José Ventura de Sousa

General Secretary
AIN - Associação das Indústrias Navais

Bilateral Meetings

  • 10:00 h - 13:00 h
  • 14:00 h - 16:00h
DescriptionAssociation of Portuguese Maritime Industries – AI NAVAIS– is an Employers Association, with the main objective of representing shipbuilding and ship repair, and a diversified number of companies operating in related fields, notably, consulting services, equipment suppliers and maritime-harbour operators. There is a large diversity among AIN members, in terms of dimension and technologies employed, ranging from the maintenance of the largest merchant marine ships or the construction of complex ships, maintenance of the Navy fleet, up to the small units for leisure or fishing. The shipyard members of AIN represent in terms of sales volume around 85 % of total Portuguese shipbuilding and ship repair turnover. AIN is the Sectorial Body for shipbuilding standardisation by delegation of the Portuguese National Standardisation Body. AIN is action-oriented, and the helicoptering way of managing work gives to the AIN the ability to innovate, facilitate and to relate more easily with the industry. AIN is affiliate of the European Association Sea Europe – Ships and marine Equipment Association. AIN is a non-profit association of companies with a different view from the industry than Universities. Continuous building alliances that AIN achieved over time is providing a better penetration of the defined strategy in the European industry related to shipbuilding and ship repair.
Organization Type Cluster
Organization Size1-10
CityLisbon, Rua Jorge Afonso, 31 - 6º Google map