Marine Renewables 2016


In the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network, ANI the Portuguese National Innovation Agency will organise a B2B Event on Marine Renewable Energies, to be held in Lisbon on the 27th of October, 2016. The B2B meetings are organised in partnership with the WavEC Offshore Renewables and the Embassy of Finland in Lisbon on the occasion of the WavEC Seminar BLUE + RENEWABLE TOMORROW taking place in Lisbon on the 26th of October. 

The purpose of the event is to discuss blue growth strategies and the technologies that enable cross-sector synergies within the marine and renewable energy sectors.

The aim is to find concrete proposals for collaborations between Finnish and Portuguese companies and organisations.

Following on the success of previous editions it is expected to bring together around 150 companies, clusters, R&D institutions and funding stakeholders from Portugal, Finland and other European countries to discuss future commercial agreements, R&D and technical cooperation projects and technology transfer opportunities.

The B2B event will take place at the Residence of the Ambassador of Finland in Lisbon (Rua João Fernandes Labrador 6, Restelo) on the 27th of October.

This event is supported by Tekes, Machine Technology Center Turku ltd. and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. 


  • Floating Offshore Wind
  • Wave energy
  • Value chain contribution for marine energy development
  • Opportunities for technical cooperation 
  • Marine energy perspectives for ports and shipyards
  • Enabling Technlogies
  • Horizon 2020 and other funding supports for marine renewables

The B2B is being organized in the framework of WavEC - Offshore Renewables annual seminar “Blue and Renewable Tomorrow - Delivering Growth through Collaboration between Finland and Portugal”, held on the 26th October at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in Lisbon. 

To register for the WavEC 2016 Seminar, please click here.


B2B Program

9:00- 9:20 – Registration (ongoing through the day)

9:20- 9:30 – Welcome address by Finnish Embassy and B2B main organisers

9:30 – 10:00 – Company pitches ( A.Silva Matos, Lankhorst Ropes, Kymaner)

10:00 – 13:00 – Bilateral Meetings

13:00- 14:00 – Lunch*

14:00 – 16:00 – Bilateral Meetings

16:15 – Closure

*Light meal offered by the Finnish Embassy to B2B participants



  • Registration  - until 24th October

Register and submit your cooperation profiles with the description of your offers, requests and/or projects ideas.

Profiles are published online. 

  • Request meetings - 10th October to 24th October

Participants can select interesting cooperation profiles from the catalogue and request meetings, or if invited, you can accept/reject the meetings.

  • Brokerage Event - 27th October

Meetings will take place at the Residence of  the Ambassador of Finland in Lisbon. 



Residence of the Ambassador of Finland, Lisbon

Rua João Fernandes Labrador 6 - Restelo, 1400-222 Lisboa (Portugal)

Meetings hours: 09.30 h to 16.30 h 

The B2B organised by ANI / EEN-PORTUGAL is free of charge.  


Why to participate of the International B2B meetings?

  • to learn about the cooperation strategies, business models and funding mechanisms dedicated to marine renewables
  • to discover the opportunities of Portugal and Finland as a strategic partner in the European market of marine renewables
  • to present your know-how and your experience in this area to future partners
  • to learn from the world leader actors and to share the latest technologies

Be part of the International B2B Meetings to find the right partners! 



Rita Silva and Nadine Teles
ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação
Tel: +351 21 4232100 / +351 22 616 7820 


Bilateral Talks

  • Participants52
  • Meetings Requested97
  • Meetings Accepted83


Profile views

  • Before Event1529
  • After Event115526


  • ani_logo.jpg
  • EEN_logo.png

Supported by

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    10 OCT. - 24 OCT.


    27 OCT.


  • LANGUAGE: English

    COST: Free of charge


Lisbon, Rua João Fernandes Labrador 6, Restelo