Francisco Campuzano
Maretec - Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa
Bilateral Meetings
- 10:00 h - 13:00 h
- 14:00 h - 16:00h
DescriptionThe Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), the Engineering School of the
Universidade de Lisboa is Portugal's main Engineering School with about
7000 undergraduate students and 2000 graduate students. Research
activities IST are organized into Research Centres and Institutes.
MARETEC is IST's multidisciplinary research centre, coordinated by Prof.
Ramiro Neves (www.maretec.org and www.mohid.com). MARETEC’s main
activities are numerical modelling applied to aquatic environmental
problems, monitoring and data management.
Since 2009, Maretec has invested in operational modelling and nowadays
provides daily modelling results for circulation, ecology and waves for
the Portuguese Coastal waters and watersheds at different scales
(http://forecast.maretec.org). The Maretec research centre is partner of
several international working groups as the Ireland-Biscay-Iberia
Regional Operational Oceanographic System (IBI-ROOS,
http://www.ibi-roos.eu), the ICES Working Group on Operational
Oceanographic Products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE,
http://groupsites.ices.dk/sites/wgoofe/Pages/default.aspx) and the Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Modelling WG - EuroGOOS. Recently, I’ve been involved as a partner in two MRE European projects
(Energymare and Turnkey) and it is providing waves, currents and
atmospheric forecast to some Portuguese companies and evaluating the
available energy resources for Portugal but with a technology feasible
that could be applied to any other part of the planet. This data is
being designed to supply services as operation and maintenance for MREs.
These tools are also provided through one of the group spin-off Action
Modulers (http://www.actionmodulers.com).
Organization Type
Research Institution, Consultant
CityLisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais Google map
Operational Modelling of currents, waves, atmosphere and river flows
waves, currents, river flow and atmospheric forecast to to supply services as operation and maintenance for MREs and numerical evaluation of the available energy resources in any region of interest in the world
Cooperation Offered
- Commercial cooperation
- R&D Cooperation
Cooperation Requested
- Commercial cooperation
- R&D Cooperation
Research Cooperation
Public or private research cooperation for projects including European funded projects
Cooperation Offered
- Commercial cooperation
- R&D Cooperation
Cooperation Requested
- Commercial cooperation
- R&D Cooperation